Living room Canvas Prints

Canvas prints for the living room are a decorative element that allows you to subtly emphasize the interior design or completely change its character. The modern design is also a way to slightly revive the room decorated in a minimalist style. The living room is the place where you usually spend most of the time and have guests. It is therefore particularly important to ensure that the present decorations emphasize the character, interests and individual style of the owner. The picture on the canvas allows such personalization to the living room. The choice is huge - from black and white and minimalist graphics to abstract or geometric patterns in very expressive colors. Canvas print for the living room can be placed in a frame or have printed side edges. Thanks to this, it is ready to hang.It is also worth mentioning that the canvas print has long ceased to be just a wall decoration. It is more and more often put on a dresser, cabinet, floor, and even on an easel bought for this purpose. In this way, the living room becomes stylish and its owner is receiving compliments for his unique aesthetic sense. ... more

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Restyling your living room can look like a major project. But sometimes all you have to do is give your space a new feel. Change or add a rug, put up new canvas prints or DIY a bit. For now, let’s focus on the walls. Who doesn’t like to personalize things? Changing the pictures or putting up fine lounge canvas prints is a quick and easy way to give your lounge a fresh look and feel. All you have to do is pick some wall art you adore. But before you do that, just remember a few things: 1. Always use a tape measure to make sure you set the best distance between doors or some other important object. Going with more than one canvas print? Use the size and shape of the wall as your starting point. 2.On a wide wall, prints are best positioned in a horizontal line, while on a thin wall, go vertical, with larger prints above smaller ones. 3.If you want a gallery wall layout, try hanging your canvas prints according to the golden ratio or arranged along a line. But, if you feel like it, you can ignore all advice and just put up prints as you please. Just remember, it’s always a good idea to visualise the wall first, either by creating a mood board or by setting out the prints on the floor first.