Add extra depth to your interior with Pixers 3D home wallpaper designs. Enlarge your space with the help of illusion, no matter its size or shape. When deciding how to level up your house with 3D wallpaper, always consider the particular room you’re re-doing. Since there are so many patterns to choose from, it’s crucial to pick the one that best matches the rest of the room. Thanks to vibrant colours, unique styles and creative designs, 3D wallpaper ideas from Pixers are nothing short of extraordinary. They are an ideal choice for a groovy bedroom, a funky living room, a laid back kitchen or a hypnotizing bathroom. 3D wallpaper ideas work great in a couple of different ways. You could put something on one wall just for an accent. Glam patterns, like black and gold designs, are a top choice for this technique. If you want to go all out, you can plaster 3D wallpaper on all the walls of a room. This method works the most with minimalistic patterns. For example, if you want to redecorate a modern style living room, a good option would be to choose horizontal stripes. It’s contemporary, yet not too overpowering, and it will give your space the desired vibe. Give your space an extra dimension, or at least the illusion of it, today.